We believe that everyone has something unique to offer. We offer a variety of ministries and programs designed to help you grow in your faith and explore new possibilities.
January 1st @ 12:00 pm
No plans on New Year's Day? Bring a soup, stew, or chili, and enjoy lunch and fellowship with us, followed by a time of prayer for the year ahead! Plus, stick around after for our annual polar dip in Lake Huron!
Jr High January 8th / Sr High January 9th
A reminder that we will be back to weekly Wave Youth the second week of January! If your grade 6-12 student has never come to youth and wants to get involved please email Pastor Dana at dana@wearelakeshore.com, she would love to connect with you!
Here you can view our various church ministries and learn more about the areas you may want to get connected into! You can click each card for more information or to email the ministry leader.